Okay its not THE Pond - as some call the ocean. And it is not just A Pond - as in smaller than a lake. It is a lake! I enjoy living on it and spending time on my back porch listening to music, gazing at the lake and pondering.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

SnOklahoma 2011

Cabin Fever has been running rampant at the pond these last couple of weeks. Bitter cold and snowy conditions have kept Shianne (our 1 year old Golden Retriever) and me from our appointed walks. Week days we walk in the early mornings and evenings. On weekends we can usually have a middle of the day longer walk. These past few days we've just looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and eaten another cookie.

The beauty of the snow and the fun out in it cannot be denied. Here are some photos taken at my place on the pond over the last two weeks: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2109461&id=1407710638&l=6e13c82006

Being a life long Okie I am used to snows being here for 2 days and out. If you want to build a snowman or do any sledding you best do it in the 3 hours after snow fall ceases or it begins to melt away. Since Al Gore discovered his Inconvenient Truth about global warming snow storms have become stronger, colder, deeper, longer. That has become our inconvenient truth.

Another day or two and Shianne and I will be able to venture out without the muck and slush and sloppy run off of the snow. I'll be able to look up at the sky again to see the moon and stars instead of looking down to avoid the ice.

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